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What is the bird flu and how you’ll protected by it?

Translated by LORENA STROKA

 What the bird flu is?

The bird flu is an animal disease that is caused by viruses, that normally can attack only birds and less often pigs. Even though all the birds can be attacted, especially vulnerable are domestic poulty (ducks, hans, geese, turkey chicken). Illness in the birds has two forms. The first has a low Pathogeny and it manifests mild symptoms, as distortions of wing and reduction of productivity of quality of eggs. The second form that is the most important has a high pathogenic and fatality rate close to 100%. The birds can die the same day that manifest symptoms. The human’s flu viruses are those subtypes that attack widely people.

Can the bird flu transmitted to a human?

 Usually, bird flu viruses do not affect a human, but since 1997 have reported many cases wich show that illness has attacked the human. In these cases had confirmed that cases had come into close close contact with infected birds or their feces. Since December of 2003 to October of 2005 have reported 112 cases of bird’s flu in a human. The presence of bird virus H5N1 in the countries of Southeast Asia since 2003 is a continuing danger for the beginning of a pandemic flu, after the viruse’s mutation and creation of a new virus for which there is no immunity in the population.

How the bird flu can be transmitted?

The infected birds shed the virus in spit, nasal secretion and excrement. Transmission can be dfone by the direct contact of birds with infected nasal secretion or surfaces that have infected by secretion. Also, a human can be infected by the direct relation with infected birds or infected surfaces.

What’s the danger by the viruses of birds flu?

Generally, a human is not in danger by the bird’s flu viruses. But in the case of a Pandemy in domestic poults (hen, duckies, turkey chickens), there is the possibility people who come into contact with sick poults or with surfaces that have been infected nasal secretion that contain the virus to be attacked. An example is the recent pandemy in Asia with the bird flu virus type A (H5N1), where we had even people deaths. Well in these cases must be avoided contact with infected birds or surfaces, also to be demonstrated caution during slaughter or bird cooking.

What’s the danger for a human?

Responsible for this outbreak is the flu virus type A(H5N1). Normally, that virus do not attack a human. But, in 1997 was noted the first human that was attacked in Hong Kong. From then have reported and other cases of attacked human during epidemics virus among birds. Fatality rate of these cases comes to 50%. Concerning the direct transmission of virus by a human to an other, it is beived that it is rare. But, because all viruses of flu family have the property to change through exchanche genes, scientifists are concerned that in aspecific moment the virus H5N1 will acquire the ability to be transmitted by a human to an other leading to pandemy flue. This can be happen when someone has been attacked in the same time by the bird flu and human’s flue.

Is there any vaccine?

In the present time there is no vaccine about virus H5N1.

What are the control actions of illness?

The most important action is the direct killing of attacked birds and all them who have exposed in virus and appropriate removal of bodies. Also, it needs as bird breeding was founded to have infected birds to become in state of Carantine and to be disinfected.

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