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Lung diseases

By Lorena Stroka

Lungs are the basic organs for life, but the fact that respirator’s diseases are major reasons that cause death worldwide it is not known widely. Furthermore, excess moratality due to lung diseases has been predicted by now to 2020, especially by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and tuberculosis. In 2020, from 68 million deaths worlwide, 11, 9 millions will be by lung diseases (4,7 by chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 2,5 by lungs, 2,4 by tuberculosis and 2,3 millions by lung cancer). Worlwide, in terms of mortality rate, of frequency, of dissemination and of costs, respiratory diseases are second (after heart diseases). In few countries (for instance, Great Britain), it is already the major factor of mortality rate.

Multiple reasons

Two basic lung diseases (the lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) generally, but not exclusively, are caused by smoking. But it is important to be noted that lung diseases are not related only to smoking. There is a big variety by other reasons, from genetic predisposition to nutritional, environmental etc. Also, human breathing circuit is sensitive to many contagious factors, as shows the current epidemic Syndrome of Acute Respiratory Insufficiency (SARS). This means that every disease require a special diagnostic therapeutic approach, analogous with its reasons. While the environment is subject to continuing changes, much more study is needed concerning the factors that cause lung diseases.

Over 100 billion

The total financial burden by lung diseases comes to 102 billion euro, which is relative to the annual Gross National Product of Republic of Ireland. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease contributes almost in the half of this number, followed by asthma, pneumonia, lung cancer and tuberculosis.

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